
I first moved from Graphic Design to Social Media, then e-commerce strategies, and finally to Web Development. The aim is to be able to switch to projects in all phases: concept, research, design and frontend implementation. Enthusiastic about technology and programming. I am in favor of continuous self improvement, good practices, clean code, test-driven development and scrum team-work methodologies. I've been responsible for bringing concepts to life for Ironhack projects such as To do App, Pixelperfect Circle web, Ironskydive

Technologies: HTML5, CSS3, JavaScript ES6, Vue, React, Bootstrap, Pinia, Git & GitHub, Supabase, Vercel, Slack, Discord
Skills: Scrum master; stakeholder management; agency/client liaison; project management
Soft Skills: Creativity, Communication Skills, Problem-solving, Adaptability, Team Work

Academic Education

2023 - May to September Bootcamp Full-Stack

4Geeks Academy

2022 - November to Decembre Bootcamp Web development FrontEnd (240h)

Ironhack Barcelona

2022 - October Scrum Master

Unió Consorci Formació

2015 - 2017 Master of public and institutional relations, protocol and organization of events

UPF Barcelona School of Management

2011 - 2015 Bachelor's degree Arts & Design (Visual comunication)

Escola Massana - Universitat Autònoma de Barcelona

2008 – 2010 Degree Shop Window

Escola Llotja - ESDAP Catalunya


Ajuntament de Sant Just Desvern


Tres Sants

Creation and management of the Instagram account tres_sants.

Organization of the 2nd edition of Sant's Market. An open-air market that brings together commercial and restaurant exhibitors, as well such as fashion parade and workshops, from the three municipalities that make up the Tres Sants: Sant Joan Despí, Sant Feliu de Llobregat and Sant Just Deservern.

Sant Just Market

Creation and opening of the platform santjustmarket . Marketplace of online sale of shops in Sant Just Desvern.

Nit de Sant Just al Carrer

Organization of the stalls and offer of the gastronomic night Nit de Sant Just al Carrer . It takes place in the municipality of Sant Just Desvern in the Market and its adjoining streets.

Ametller Origen

January to September 2020

Cuina amb Estrella

Organization of the showcooking of Quim Casellas The chef and owner of the Casamar restaurant, Quim Casellas, offered 35 members of Club Ametller Origen a show cooking of three recipes with seasonal vegetables and seafood. Attendees were able to taste the new star dish, a tribute to Empordà and traditional Catalan cuisine.

La Gran Calçotada

Organization of our traditional calçotada in the center of Barcelona. The location was in the Old Estrella Damm Factory. Coordination of the menu, show cooking and concert.

Mercat d'Autors

Organization of the opening of the Mercat d'Autors space. Organization of the press conference and inauguration of the Mercat d'Autors space. It was an online opening, where the chefs were on site in the space and the press connected via zoom to see the presentation of the space and be able to ask the chefs questions.

Grup Gsr

2015 - 2019


Organization of the I International Meeting of Rural Gastronomy 2019, and itinerant congress that took place between Extremadura and Portugal. Coordination of work tables, show-cooking, magisterial conferences, visits to farms in Extremadura and Portugal, gastronomic dinners and popular activities.

Mercat de Mercats

Organization of the 2019, 2018, 2017 and 2016 editions of the popular event "Mercat de Mercats". The event of the markets, market cuisine and local products of the city of Barcelona.

Tast a La Rambla

Organization and coordinantion Tast a La Rambla, editions 2019, 2018, 2017, 2016 and 2015 editions of the popular event "Tast a La Rambla". Event that brings haute cuisine closer through shocookings and tastings.